
Showing posts from January, 2019

आज पूरी दुनिया भारत के इन आविष्कारो को करती है सलाम। Inventions of India that whole world salutes.

हेलो दोस्तो,कैसे है आप सब। आप तो जानते ही होंगे कि भारत ने कुछ ही वर्षो में कितनी प्रगति कर ली है। लेकिन भारत ने प्रगति के साथ-साथ बहुत से आविष्कार भी किये है। आज हम उन्ही आविष्कार के बारे में जानेंगे। भारत के आविष्कार: 1. आयुर्वेद जी हाँ, आयुर्वेद की शुरुआत हमारे महान पूर्वज चराका ने की थी। आज पूरी दुनिया आयुर्वेद का इस्तेमाल कर रही है लेकिन सर्फ कुछ ही लोगो को पता है कि आयुर्वेद का आविश्कार एक भारतीय ने की थी।हमारा भारत आयुर्वेद का इस्तेमाल 5000 वर्षो से अधिक समय से करता आ रहा है। 2. यु.एस. बी केबल  सभी लोग समझते होंगे कि यु.एस.बी केबल एक विदेशी आविष्कार है, लेकिन ऐसा नही है । हमारे भारत के एक साइंटिस्ट जिनका नाम अजय भट्ट है उन्होंने की है। यु.एस. बी केबल एक ऐसी चीज है जो बोहोत से डेटा अपने अंदर समाये रखता है। 3.शैम्पू बहुत सी महिलाये अपने बालों को अच्छा रखने के लिये शैम्पू का इस्तेमाल तो करती है। पर आपने कभी गौर किया है कि किसने बनाया ये शैम्पू। शैम्पू यह शब्द 'चम्पू' से बना है। यह मुग़ल के दौर में बनाया गया था। चम्पू यह शब्द 'चंपी...

5 Huge Unsolved Mysteries Of India

Indian history is very huge. It is very mysterious also.There are many mystery in Indian history that are unsolved till now. So, these are the 5 big unsolved mysteries of India.  Unsolved Mysteries Of India: 1. Nana Saheb Got Disappeared. Nana saheb was adopted by Bajirao peshwa in the year 1827. His real name was Dhondu Pant. Nana Saheb was regarded as an important leader in the revolt of 1857. But after the defeat with British , he was disappeared . Anyone doesn't  know where he had gone. But many of the historians believe that he was escaped from Britishers. Hence, it is not proved and is a big mystery. 2. The Mystery Of Twin Village. In India, I there is a village in Kerala known as 'The Twin Village'. The generation of the village is creating only twins. This number is increased to over 200. But it is a mystery that how only twins are producing in village.  3. The Mysterious Magnetic Hill. 11,000 feet above the sea level,the c...

Historical Events Of India That Comes In IAS Exams

India's history is very huge. Many incident have been taken place. But today's topic is about the mughal empire. Mughals have ruled India for many centuries. But we does not know about Mughal in India so much. So these are some Historical events of India you don't know .  So let's start... Please click on the photo above Indian History's Lesser Known Facts Of Mughals : 1. Who was the first muslim to establish his monarchy in India? Ans - Qutubuddin Aibak, In 1206 2. In Delhi, Qutubuddin Aibak Built a monument, who completed that monument in 1231? Ans - Iltutmish 3.When Changes Khan invaded India who was ruling India? Ans - Iltutmish (1211-1236) 4. Who was the first woman emperor to rule India? Ans - Raziya Sultan (1236-40) 5.During Allaudin Khilji's rule, the Hindus have to give tax. Which was the tax? Ans - Tol tax 6.Who was the mughal empire who gave himself a name Sikandar? Ans - Alauddin Khilji 7. When mughals attacked India, Who...